August 15, 2009

stung treng. cambodia.
february 1st – 3rd. 2009

We arrive in Stung Treng late in the afternoon and have to convince the driver we don’t want to stay where he is dropping us. Another gentleman with us is also adamantly refusing, so we convince the driver to drop us off in the ‘main area’ of town. We all end up at the same place. I am not going to give a blow by blow account, but our lack of preparation combined with no infrastructure at all makes our visit to Stung Treng little over 36 hours. We realize now that starting in a small town with no language skills or sense of Cambodia itself was probably not the best introduction. Had we visited at another point in our travels though Cambodia, the lack of a tourist driven setting would have been refreshing and welcomed, but we weren’t prepared, and I guess I was a little bit shaken up by the border crossing. It is only a couple of hours away from Don Khon, but it is totally and completely different here and we hadn’t had a chance to switch gears and get any feel for Cambodia before arriving. It is probably fairly telling that I didn’t take a single picture while here and Stephen took only very few. I think my sense of adventure had waned at this point and Stephen’s attempts to inspire me through his were unsuccessful. We decide to move on.

our stung treng photos on flicker

w r i t t e n  b y  l a u r e l

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