October 5, 2009

chengdu. sichuan. china. round 3
april 9th – 23rd. 2009

Chengdu round three. We arrive late night, but having done this twice b4 we have our bearings. Manage a cab, Stephen shows the driver a text message from Judy and we are dropped off around midnight. Following what seems like slightly cryptic directions in the dark, we find  the right building, Judy and Mark, and proceed to make ourselves right at home. 4 or 5 days… we linger instead for 3 weeks. It is so nice to be here, to cook meals ourselves (for everyone!) to relax and hang out with Judy, Mark and their roommate Eli. It is a much welcomed time to chill, spend time with Judy and feel at home. We visit ‘old’ haunts, are taken to new ones, meet more of Judy’s friends. A lovely dinner at ‘home’, ping pong, nights out, massage, acupuncture, cupping, it is amazing to reflect at all we did do, it seemed like we spent most of the time lounging around the apartment. A really cool visit to Re-c Art Space with Mark, really contemporary, thought provoking work. The find that is the Sichuan Museum. I am glad Stephen brought his camera, the room of shadow puppets was stunning and Judy, Stephen and I practically had the place to ourselves. 

Nirvana cover night, Beatles cover night, Eli’s DJ night, dinners out, we definitely experienced a variety of Chengdu. A day trip to Leshan to extend our Visas, a few more days visiting Jiu Zhai Gou and it is with reluctance we make our plans to move on. It is time to let Judy, Mark and Eli have their apartment back though (we slept/lived in the ‘living’ room), and the lure of the Gobi Dessert and North Western China draws our time in Chengdu to a close. Thank you for letting us invade the apartment, we will miss you and our new ‘home’.

laurel's chengdu photos on flickr

w r i t t e n  b y  l a u r e l

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